Depuis l’apparition officielle du Sars-Cov-2 sur le continent le 14 février 2020, le nombre de contaminations et de morts dues à la pandémie semble largement contenu, malgré une résurgence dans certains pays ces dernières semaines.
Les chiffres ne laissent jusque-là pas de place au doute. 2,32 millions de contaminations, 55 265 morts. Dix mois après le premier cas officiellement déclaré en Égypte, le continent africain ne totalise que 3,4 % des contaminations au coronavirus alors qu’il représente 17 % de la population mondiale. La réalité de la propagation du virus est sans doute nettement plus importante, surtout dans les pays disposant de capacités de dépistage limitées. Il n’empêche, la plupart des pays africains ont dès le début de la pandémie réussi à prévenir ou à contenir la transmission communautaire généralisée, déjouant par la même les prédictions les plus alarmistes.
À l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), on se veut pourtant très vigilant. « Le virus continue de circuler et la plupart des gens restent sensibles », a déclaré depuis Genève, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, directeur général de l’organisation, le 10 décembre dernier, à l’ouverture du troisième Forum Galien Afrique, qui se tenait à Dakar, la capitale sénégalaise. Selon lui, le continent africain est « à une période charnière » dans la gestion de la pandémie mondiale. « Ces dernières semaines, nous avons constaté une augmentation inquiétante du nombre de cas et de décès », a alerté le chef de l’agence sanitaire mondiale.
Une situation contrastée
De fait, depuis début octobre, la circulation du virus a repris et la courbe est repartie à la hausse. Toujours de façon inégale. Les pays d’Afrique australe et d’Afrique du Nord se partagent le plus grand nombre de cas. Soit sept pays totalisant environ 81 % des contaminations, dont l’Afrique du Sud (27 %) qui reste le pays le plus touché. Pour la seule journée de mercredi 9 décembre, Pretoria a enregistré 6 709 nouveaux cas ainsi que 135 morts. Le nombre de nouvelles contaminations est en forte hausse depuis le début du mois, laissant présager une deuxième vague, notamment au sud du pays, dans la région du Cap, mais également dans le Sud-Est et la région de Pretoria et Johannesburg. Contrairement à la première vaque, ce sont surtout les adolescents qui sont touchés, principalement les 15-19 ans. Pour l’instant, il n’est pas question d’un nouveau confinement, mais les autorités appellent chacun à être responsable durant les fêtes de Noël.
L’Afrique de l’Ouest, qui avait jusque-là enregistré peu de malades, est elle aussi confrontée à un rebond des nouvelles contaminations : +45 % en moyenne entre le 30 novembre et le 6 décembre. Avec des hausses records par endroits : +194 % au Burkina Faso – qui est passé de 2 856 cas le 30 novembre à 3 212 cas le 6 décembre -, +79 % pour le Nigeria. Dans son rapport hebdomadaire, le centre nigérian de contrôle des maladies (NCDC) indique d’ailleurs que le nombre de personnes testées positives sur cette période est passé de 3,9 % à 6 % alors que le nombre de tests pratiqués a diminué par rapport à la semaine précédente. Même écho au Sénégal ou l’on craint « une deuxième vague ». Selon Abdoulaye Diouf Sarr, le ministre de la Santé, le pays est passé de dix nouvelles contaminations par jour il y a un mois à 101 quotidiennes le 10 décembre dernier. Pas de mesures restrictives annoncées pour le moment, mais une « tolérance zéro » pour le port du masque.
Les systèmes de santé à l’épreuve de la pandémie
Au Sénégal comme ailleurs, pas question d’exposer à nouveau les systèmes de santé déjà fragilisés. En dépit d’une réponse rapide des autorités sanitaires dès le début de la pandémie en mars dernier, les services essentiels ont été mis à rude épreuve. Vaccination, lutte contre le paludisme, santé reproductive… tous les secteurs ont pâti de la pandémie.
Une étude préliminaire de l’OMS menée dans quatorze pays révèle une chute importante de la prestation dans cinq services de santé essentiels – entre janvier et septembre 2020 – par rapport aux deux années précédentes.
Des campagnes d’immunisation contre la rougeole, la tuberculose, la fièvre jaune, la polio et d’autres maladies ont été repoussées dans au moins quinze pays africains. L’introduction de nouveaux vaccins a été suspendue et plusieurs pays ont enregistré des ruptures de stocks de vaccins. Quant à la santé des femmes, elle s’est considérablement dégradée. Au Nigeria, par exemple, il y a eu 310 morts maternelles dans les structures sanitaires en août 2020, soit près du double par rapport à août 2019.
De son côté, l’Onusida s’inquiète des menaces qui pèsent sur l’avancée de la lutte contre le VIH. En Afrique du Sud, l’expérience accumulée dans le combat contre le sida a pu aider à contenir la pandémie de coronavirus. Mais les chercheurs sont inquiets : le confinement strict mis en place au début de l’année, puis les mesures progressivement relâchées, ont ralenti les objectifs de dépistage et de traitement. Les organisations tentent désormais de rattraper le retard.
Un accès difficile au vaccin
La course au vaccin est lancée. Et elle s’annonce semée d’obstacles pour le continent. Le premier est d’ordre financier. Sur les 47 pays de la région Afrique de l’OMS, « seulement près du quart disposent de plans adéquats pour les ressources et le financement », regrette l’agence onusienne qui entend vacciner « 3 % des Africains d’ici mars 2021 et 20 % d’ici la fin de l’année prochaine ».
Pour y parvenir, le continent attend beaucoup de l’initiative Covax, lancée par l’OMS et Gavi (l’alliance du vaccin) pour assurer une disponibilité mondiale des vaccins. Objectif du partenariat : se procurer deux milliards de doses qui seront ensuite données aux pays membres à faibles revenus et vendus à prix préférentiel à ceux à revenu modérés.
Le Rwanda espère ainsi être l’un des premiers pays africains à obtenir le vaccin contre le Covid-19. C’est ce qu’à déclaré le ministre de la Santé Daniel Ngamije dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision nationale ce dimanche. Selon lui, les premières doses pourraient arriver dans le pays aux alentours de mars 2021.
Pour l’instant, seules 600 millions de doses ont été réservées auprès de neuf laboratoires, et on estime qu’il manque encore 3,8 milliards d’euros pour obtenir les 1,4 milliards restantes. Covax et l’OMS comptent sur la générosité internationale pour mobiliser cette somme. Malheureusement, celle-ci tarde à se concrétiser.
Bien au contraire. Les contrats bilatéraux passés directement avec les laboratoires priment sur les belles paroles. À ce stade, les pays les plus riches représentant 14 % de la population mondiale ont mis la main sur 53 % des doses de vaccins promises à court terme. Et qu’importe si l’Afrique du Sud et le Kenya participent à plusieurs essais cliniques, cela ne leur garantit aucun accès préférentiel aux doses.
Reste ensuite à relever les défis logistiques. La plupart des vaccins actuellement développés nécessitent d’être conservés à -70 degrés, ce qui constitue un véritable frein pour les pays ne possédant pas les infrastructures nécessaires. À quoi il faut ajouter le scepticisme des populations.
La méfiance des populations
Lors d’une enquête, menée par des chercheurs de l’IRD dans quatre pays africains (Cameroun, Sénégal, Bénin et Burkina Faso), six à sept personnes interrogées sur dix affirmaient qu’elles n’accepteraient pas le vaccin si on le leur proposait. Alice Desclaux est anthropologue à l’IRD à Dakar et a participé à cette étude. Selon elle, les raisons avancées pour ce refus sont multiples.
En Afrique du Sud, une étude Ipsos révèle que moins des deux tiers des Sud-Africains seraient prêts à accepter le vaccin s’il était disponible, principalement à cause de la peur d’effets secondaires. Quelques manifestations ont d’ailleurs eu lieu contre l’annonce des premiers essais cliniques, en juin dernier. Et plus récemment, le chef de la Cour suprême, connu pour ses convictions chrétiennes, a même affirmé dans une prière que les vaccins était « l’œuvre du diable ». De quoi fragiliser un peu plus la confiance des populations.
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Your honesty and vulnerability in sharing your personal experiences is truly admirable It takes courage to open up and I applaud you for it
I appreciate the effort that goes into creating high-quality content, and this post was no exception. The insights and information were top-notch and made for a really engaging read. Keep up the great work!
I have bookmarked your blog and refer back to it whenever I need a dose of positivity and inspiration Your words have a way of brightening up my day
Your writing is so engaging and easy to read It makes it a pleasure to visit your blog and learn from your insights and experiences
Your writing has a way of making me feel like I’m having a conversation with a close friend It’s so genuine and relatable
This blog is like a virtual mentor, guiding me towards personal and professional growth Thank you for being a source of inspiration
Your blog has quickly become one of my favorites I always look forward to your new posts and the insights they offer
I always look forward to reading your posts, they never fail to brighten my day and educate me in some way Thank you!
I love how you incorporate personal stories and experiences into your posts It makes your content relatable and authentic
This blog post has left us feeling grateful and inspired
Your posts always leave me feeling motivated and empowered You have a gift for inspiring others and it’s evident in your writing
Your content always keeps me coming back for more!
Your writing has a way of making me feel like I’m having a conversation with a close friend It’s so genuine and relatable
Your blog has helped me become a more positive and mindful person I am grateful for the transformative effect your words have had on me
I always look forward to reading your posts, they never fail to brighten my day and educate me in some way Thank you!
This post came at just the right time for me Your words have provided me with much-needed motivation and inspiration Thank you
I completely agree with your perspective on this topic It’s refreshing to see someone presenting a balanced and thoughtful viewpoint
Your writing is so eloquent and persuasive You have a talent for getting your message across and inspiring meaningful change
I am blown away by the depth and detail in your posts Keep up the excellent work and thank you for sharing your knowledge with us
Drop a link to your favorite blog post of yours in the comments below, I’d love to read more.
I have recommended this blog to all of my friends and family It’s rare to find such quality content these days!
Your latest blog post was truly inspiring and had some great insights. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store.
Your writing is a breath of fresh air It’s clear that you put a lot of thought and effort into each and every post
Your blog has become my go-to source for positive and uplifting content Thank you for consistently delivering high-quality posts
I appreciate how well-researched and detailed your posts are It’s evident that you put a lot of time and effort into providing valuable information to your readers
Your writing has a way of resonating with me and making me feel understood Thank you for being a relatable and authentic voice
I appreciate how well-researched and detailed your posts are It’s evident that you put a lot of time and effort into providing valuable information to your readers
Your blog is so much more than just a collection of posts It’s a community of like-minded individuals spreading optimism and kindness
Your posts are so thought-provoking and often leave me pondering long after I have finished reading Keep challenging your readers to think outside the box
Your blog has helped me become a better version of myself Your words have inspired me to make positive changes in my life
I appreciate the effort that goes into creating high-quality content, and this post was no exception. The insights and information were top-notch and made for a really engaging read. Keep up the great work!
Your words have a way of resonating deeply with your readers Thank you for always being encouraging and uplifting
Your posts always make me feel like I’m not alone in my struggles and insecurities Thank you for sharing your own experiences and making me feel understood
Your writing has a way of making complicated topics easier to understand It’s evident how much research and effort goes into each post
Give a round of applause in the comments to show your appreciation!
Your blog is a place I come to when I need a boost of positivity It’s like a warm hug from a friend Thank you for being that friend
Give a round of applause in the comments to show your appreciation!
Your posts always make me feel like I’m not alone in my struggles and insecurities Thank you for sharing your own experiences and making me feel understood
This blog post has left us feeling grateful and inspired
From the insightful commentary to the captivating writing, every word of this post is top-notch. Kudos to the author for producing such fantastic content.
Your writing is so eloquent and heartfelt It’s impossible not to be moved by your words Thank you for sharing your gift with the world
Share your favorite blog post in the comments below!
Wow, this blogger is seriously impressive!
Every time I read a new post, I feel like I’ve learned something valuable or gained a new perspective. Thank you for consistently putting out such great content!
Your posts are so well-written and engaging You have a way with words that keeps me coming back for more
Your writing style is so engaging and easy to read It makes it a pleasure to read your blog and I always look forward to your new posts
I am blown away by the depth and detail in your posts Keep up the excellent work and thank you for sharing your knowledge with us
Your posts always seem to lift my spirits and remind me of all the good in the world Thank you for being a beacon of positivity
Your blog always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel better about the world Thank you for being a source of light and positivity
Keep up the incredible work! I can’t wait to see what you write next.
Your passion for what you do is evident in every post It’s inspiring to see someone truly fulfilling their purpose and making a positive impact
Leave a comment and let us know what your favorite blog post has been so far!
It’s clear that you have a deep understanding of this topic and your insights and perspective are invaluable Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us
I appreciate how this blog addresses important issues in a respectful and informative manner It’s refreshing to see a blog use its platform for good
Your blog posts never fail to entertain and educate me. I especially enjoyed the recent one about [insert topic]. Keep up the great work!
This blog is such a hidden gem I stumbled upon it by chance and now I’m completely hooked!
Keep up the amazing work!
We just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge all the hard work and effort you’ve been putting in lately. Keep up the amazing job, you’re doing great!
Your blog is a great source of positivity and inspiration in a world filled with negativity Thank you for making a difference
This blog post is worth the read – trust us!
Your blog has helped me through some tough times and I am forever grateful for your positive and uplifting content
You have a way of explaining complex topics in a straightforward and easy to understand manner Your posts are always a pleasure to read
Leave a comment and let us know what your favorite blog post has been so far!
Wow, I had never thought about it in that way before You have really opened my eyes to a new perspective Keep up the great work!
Wow, this blogger is seriously impressive!
Your ideas and insights are unique and thought-provoking I appreciate how you challenge your readers to see things from a different perspective
Your blog always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel better about the world Thank you for being a source of light and positivity
Your writing style is so relatable and authentic It’s a breath of fresh air in a world filled with superficiality and pretense
This blog is a great resource for anyone looking to live a more mindful and intentional life Thank you for providing valuable advice and tips
Keep up the incredible work! I can’t wait to see what you write next.
Your knowledge and expertise on various topics never ceases to amaze me I always learn something new with each post
As a fellow blogger, I can appreciate the time and effort that goes into creating well-crafted posts You are doing an amazing job
The photographs and visuals used in this blog are always stunning They really add a beautiful touch to the posts
I appreciate how well-researched and detailed your posts are It’s evident that you put a lot of time and effort into providing valuable information to your readers
Your positivity and enthusiasm are infectious I can’t help but feel uplifted and motivated after reading your posts
This blog post is worth the read – trust us!
Your blog has helped me through some tough times and I am forever grateful for your positive and uplifting content
I love how this blog promotes self-love and confidence It’s important to appreciate ourselves and your blog reminds me of that
Wow, this blogger is seriously impressive!
This blog covers important and relevant topics that many are afraid to address Thank you for being a voice for the voiceless
Your positivity and optimism are contagious It’s impossible to read your blog without feeling uplifted and inspired Keep up the amazing work
You have a way of making each of your readers feel seen and heard That’s a special quality that not all bloggers possess Thank you for creating a safe space for us
Your words have a way of touching hearts and inspiring minds Thank you for using your platform to spread love and positivity
I have been following your blog for a while now and have to say I am always impressed by the quality and depth of your content Keep it up!
Let’s spread the love! Tag a friend who would appreciate this post as much as you did.
As a new reader, I am blown away by the quality and depth of your content I am excited to explore your past posts and see what else you have to offer
This is such an important reminder and one that I needed to hear today Thank you for always providing timely and relevant content
I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate your blog posts. They’re always well-written, informative, and keep me coming back for more. Keep up the great work!
Your writing is so genuine and heartfelt It’s refreshing to read a blog that is not trying to sell something or promote an agenda
Every time I read a new post, I feel like I’ve learned something valuable or gained a new perspective. Thank you for consistently putting out such great content!
Your passion for what you do shines through in every post It’s truly inspiring to see someone doing what they love and excelling at it
Your words have the power to change lives and I am grateful for the positive impact you have had on mine Thank you
I appreciate how this blog addresses important issues in a respectful and informative manner It’s refreshing to see a blog use its platform for good
Keep up the incredible work! I can’t wait to see what you write next.
Your ideas and insights are unique and thought-provoking I appreciate how you challenge your readers to see things from a different perspective
I always look forward to reading your posts, they never fail to brighten my day and educate me in some way Thank you!
Keep up the amazing work!
I’ve come across many blogs, but this one truly stands out in terms of quality and authenticity Keep up the amazing work!
Your positivity and enthusiasm are infectious It’s clear that you are truly passionate about what you do and it’s inspiring to see
Wow, I had never thought about it in that way before You have really opened my eyes to a new perspective Keep up the great work!
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences and stories It takes courage to open up and you do it with such grace and authenticity
Wow, this blogger is seriously impressive!
Your writing is so genuine and heartfelt It’s refreshing to read a blog that is not trying to sell something or promote an agenda
Your blog is a treasure trove of wisdom and positivity I appreciate how you always seem to know just what your readers need to hear
This blog has opened my eyes to new ideas and perspectives that I may not have considered before Thank you for broadening my horizons
Thank you for always being open and honest with your readers It’s refreshing to see a blogger who is unafraid to be vulnerable and real
I always find myself nodding along and agreeing with your wise words Your insights and advice are truly valuable
This is such an informative and well-written post! I learned a lot from reading it and will definitely be implementing some of these tips in my own life
Thank you for sharing your personal experience and wisdom with us Your words are so encouraging and uplifting
Your posts always speak to me on a personal level and I believe that is a testament to your authenticity and genuine nature
I always leave this blog feeling inspired and motivated to make positive changes in my life Thank you for being a constant source of encouragement
This blog serves as a reminder to take care of our mental health and well-being Thank you for promoting a healthier and happier mindset
This post hits close to home for me and I am grateful for your insight and understanding on this topic Keep doing what you do
Your blog has become a source of guidance and support for me Your words have helped me through some of my toughest moments
This post was exactly what I needed to read today Your words have provided me with much-needed clarity and reassurance
Your blog has been a constant source of support and encouragement for me I am grateful for your words of wisdom and positivity
I always find myself nodding along and agreeing with your wise words Your insights and advice are truly valuable
Keep up the fantastic work and continue to inspire us all!
Thank you for always being open and honest with your readers It’s refreshing to see a blogger who is unafraid to be vulnerable and real
Your blog always leaves me feeling uplifted and inspired Thank you for consistently delivering high-quality content
Your positivity and optimism are contagious It’s impossible to read your blog without feeling uplifted and inspired Keep up the amazing work
Every time I read one of your posts, I come away with something new and interesting to think about. Thanks for consistently putting out such great content!
This blog post has left us feeling grateful and inspired
Your blog has become my go-to source for positive and uplifting content Thank you for consistently delivering high-quality posts
Your blog has become a source of guidance and support for me Your words have helped me through some of my toughest moments
Your posts always provide me with a new perspective and encourage me to look at things differently Thank you for broadening my horizons
I have been struggling with this issue for a while and your post has provided me with much-needed guidance and clarity Thank you so much
I appreciate how well-researched and detailed your posts are It’s evident that you put a lot of time and effort into providing valuable information to your readers
I appreciate how well-researched and detailed your posts are It’s evident that you put a lot of time and effort into providing valuable information to your readers
This is such an informative and well-written post! I learned a lot from reading it and will definitely be implementing some of these tips in my own life
This is exactly what I needed to read today Your words have provided me with much-needed reassurance and comfort
Your posts are so well-written and engaging You have a way with words that keeps me coming back for more
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a source of positivity and light in this sometimes dark and overwhelming world
This blog has become a part of my daily routine I start my mornings with a cup of coffee and your latest post
Leave a comment and let us know what your favorite blog post has been so far!
This blog post hit all the right notes!
I always leave this blog feeling inspired and motivated to make positive changes in my life Thank you for being a constant source of encouragement
Your blog is a haven of positivity and encouragement It’s a reminder to always look on the bright side and choose happiness
This blog is like a breath of fresh air in the midst of all the negativity on the internet I’m grateful to have stumbled upon it
What type of content would you like to see more of in the future? Let us know in the comments!
Thank you for providing a positive and constructive space for discussion It’s refreshing to see a blog with a kind and respectful community